Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Adult Female Phidippus Mystaceus

Gratitude: Looking closer at things.

From Flickr--

Via Flickr:
I'm going through all the photos I took this last summer trying to find any overlooked shots. The weather has turned quite cold here, and sadly, the bugs are largely gone. So I'll probably have to resort to pulling older photos out of my archives instead of posting new stuff for a while. Hopefully I will get a chance to return to astrophotography during these cold winter months until the bugs return.

Another shot of the adult female Phidippus mystaceus I found last October. Full frame (roughly) at about 4:1 or so.

On a similar note, for those of you interested, a video of the grooming habits of a Phidippus princeps I recorded can be viewed here:

(Make sure to click the "Watch in High Quality" button!)


On a different subject, I recently started a seperate flickr account to store some of my artwork, which includes some graphite, charcoal, and pastel sketches so far.

If your interested, some of my more recent artwork can be found here:

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